Although the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (AUPC) cannot be considered Union (EU) Law, it is couched in the wording of EU legal acts seeking to create “unitary patent protection” as part of “enhanced cooperation” between Member States enshrined in Articles 326 et seq. of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union…

Just over 2 years after the SPC waiver Regulation (EU) 2019/933 (amending the Regulation (EC) No 469/2009) entered into force (1 July 2019), and only a few months after the end of the transitional provisions for application of the SPC waiver under Art. 5(10) of the Regulation (2 July 2022), I have decided to follow…

The Unified Patent Court will finally become a reality, open its doors and start to receive cases from 1 April 2023. This is announced in the implementation roadmap, which was published yesterday by the UPC preparatory team and depicts all the key activities and milestones of the UPC in the coming months. The roadmap also…

The so-called proportionality defense according to Sec. 139(1) clause 3 (hereinafter simply “proportionality defense”) is one of the newest provisions of the German Patent Act. It has only been introduced in August 2021 through the Patentrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz, a typical German word monster, of which an informative summary was posted here. The main driver of this proportionality…

On March 31, 2022, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) publicized the “Good Faith Negotiation Guidelines for Standard Essential Patent Licenses” (hereinafter, the “METI Guidelines”). The METI Guidelines are not legally binding but were created as norms of good faith negotiations to be followed by SEP holders and implementers involved in SEP licensing…

The U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure allow parties to obtain discovery regarding any matter that is relevant to a party’s claim or defense. One important caveat to this general principle is that attorney-client communications and work product are privileged and protected from discovery. Generally speaking, when a party divulges privileged information to a third…

I won’t go into the numerous litigations involving OPPO around the world, nor will I comment on the decisions rendered by the German Courts since this summer. What interests me is the unprecedented attitude of OPPO in these proceedings – which withdrew its products from the German market even before any injunction was enforced –,…

The Spanish Supreme Court rules in a patent ownership and trade secret dispute where a company had filed a patent application which named as inventor the husband of the company’s founder, who had previously led an R&D project funded by a competitor. The Court sets a high standard for ownership claims and, at the same…