The Dutch Supreme Court held that Art. 69 EPC in conjunction with art. 1 Protocol for the application of Art. 69 EPC provides a guideline for the determination of the scope of protection. Other “viewpoints” are the essence of the invention and the inventive idea behind the wording of the claims as opposed to the…

The Supreme Court held that Article 68 (3) IP Code relating to prior use, sets forth both a “quantitative” and a “qualitative” limit, in the sense that it “serves to identify the business behavior which determines the limit of the monopoly granted to the patent holder in respect of the prior user”. Since the prior…

Regarding the gathering of evidence in French and foreign territories, the Paris Court of Appeal affirmed the appealed decision and acceded to defendant’s reasoning in ruling that (i) the ‘saisie-contrefaçon’ carried out on French territory on the basis of two patents was not deprived of its valid basis by the revocation of one of said…

The French Supreme Court for the first time recognized, as a general principle of French patent law, the estoppel “according to which a person may not contradict themselves to the detriment of another person” in the course of infringement proceedings. Click here for the full text of this case. A summary of this case will…

The Court of Appeal confirms the revocation by the District Court of a patent relating to a coformulation of timolol and dorzolamide for the treatment of glaucoma , for lack of inventive step. The combination of these two substances was disclosed before the priority date as a concomitant therapy. The skilled person would turn this…

The presentation of a product at an exhibition within Germany, constitutes use of the shape of the product (protected by trademark law) in the course of trade for advertising purposes, and this is therefore no “offering” or “putting on the market” that product in Germany . Rather, evidence must be provided which shows that the…

When seeking to improve a data structure prescribed in an international standard, the skilled person would consider mechanisms already described in the standard when solving the identified technical problem. If the standard provides a manageable number of possible solutions, each having specific advantages and disadvantages, this provides an incentive to take each of the solutions…

The Danish Maritime and Commercial Court upheld the invalidation (in two administrative instances) of a patent claiming second medical use of a known compound for the treatment of sea lice infestation on the grounds that neither the pathology nor the patient group were novel over the closest prior art. The European sister patent had likewise…

The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Article 13 of the old SPC Regulation (EEC 1768/92, identical to article 13 of the “new” SPC Regulation (EC469/2009) in conjunction with Article 36 of the Pediatric Regulation (EC 1901/2006), allow for the grant of an SPC of negative duration. The additional term provided by…