The gentle reader of this blog knows that on January 1, 2012 the new Federal Patent Court will take up work in Switzerland. As Switzerland’s court of first instance in matters dealing with patents, the Federal Patent Court will rule on civil-law disputes concerning patents. It will rule, for instance, on litigation over patent validity as well as patent infringement. An appeal against the decisions of the Federal Patent Court can be lodged with the Federal Supreme Court.
This morning, the new Federal Patent Court published four regulations (governing the court’s organization; the information about pending cases and rendered decisions as well as the accreditation of journalists, the court fees and other litigation costs, and the court’s administrative fees) and two guidelines (governing the procedure before the court and the rules about potential conflicts of interests of the adjunct judges).
Only the German versions of the regulations and guidelines are available at the moment. French, Italian, and English translations will follow soon.
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