Crucial months are ahead for the Unitary Patent project. In Germany the re-ratification process of the Unified Patent Court Agreement is progressing rapidly, but the threat of new constitutional complaints is looming. Two weeks ago, the Bundesrat approved the UPC ratification bill. Yesterday, in first reading, the Bundestag referred the bill to the parliamentary committees…

PTAB did not err in its claim construction or obviousness findings in two IPRs filed by Westinghouse that challenged two Siemens patents. Substantial evidence supported two Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions following inter partes review of two related patents directed toward methods and systems for automatically activating a train warning device, including a horn,…

The Supreme Administrative Court held that the publication of an application for a European patent that included the description of an industrial design in the relevant journal before the protection for such design was requested meant that the relevant design had been made available to the public and thus was not eligible for registration. With…

The Court of appeal of Paris, in a decision on the merits, has ruled that the SPC covering the combination of ezetimibe and simvastatine is invalid. The decision was rendered on September 25, 2020, in a case opposing Merck and Teva (free translation available here).This is the first decision in Europe on the merits to…

In Linklinear Development Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Baoye Group Corp., Ltd., [(2019) SPC. IP. Civil. Jur. Fin. No. 2] (November 1, 2019), the IP Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court (“SPC”) affirmed a lower court’s decision denying the transfer of Linklinear’s later-filed infringement action to another court that hears a first-filed declaratory judgment action, holding…

The FCJ confirmed that the costs of the participation of a European Patent Attorney (Professional Representative before the EPO) in a patent case before the German civil courts are always recoverable from the losing party pursuant to sec. 143 (3) Patent Act. Case date: 14 April 2020 Case number: X ZB 2/18 (ECLI:DE:BGH:2020:140420BXZB2.18.0) Court: Federal…

The Unitary Patent system can start in the near future. That is one of the conclusions of a meeting held yesterday by the Preparatory Committee of the Unified Patent Court. According to a press release, on the agenda were “issues triggered by the recent events in Germany and the United Kingdom. The Committee took note…

In Immunex Corp. et al. v. Sandoz Inc. et al., the Federal Circuit found that there was no obviousness-type double patenting because there was no “common ownership” of patents under an agreement where Roche retained key rights to the patents-in-suit. Immunex Corp., v. Sandoz Inc., ___ F.3d ___, No. 2020-1037 (Fed. Cir. July 1, 2020)….

As reported on Kluwer Patent Blog,  the Supreme Court of England and Wales issued a key decision in the Case of Huawei and ZTE vs Conversant and Unwired Planet. Both lawsuits pertain to standard essential patents and seek to resolve how address international commercial activity from a legal perspective. The cases offer a wealth of…