Introduction The implementation of 4G mobile communication technology in the UK has become very expensive for Apple in light of the High Court of England and Wales’ decision last month in Optis v. Apple. The court held that Optis’s standard-essential patents (‘SEPs’) were infringed by Apple. The court added that it was willing to decide…

On 1 June 2021, the Amended Patent Law took effect and introduced patent term extension (“PTE“) and patent linkage (“PL“), which are closely related to the pharmaceutical industry. The legislative amendment reflects China’s determination to promote the research and development of innovative drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. The China National Intellectual Property Administration (“CNIPA“), the…

Legal basis The legal basis for compulsory licenses under Singapore patent law is the Patents Act under Chapter 221, Part XI, Section 55 (Patents Act). As of January 1, 2020, Singapore changed its patent system and applications are now required to go through local substantive examination prior to issuance. Requirements for obtaining a Compulsory License…

Eight years (!) after complaints of dozens of EPO staff members against the way they were treated after having participated in strikes, a final decision in their cases is finally there: former EPO president Benoit Battistelli abused his power in various ways when and after implementing new rules in July 2013 to restrict the rights…

Legal Basis The legal basis for compulsory licensing in Russia flows from Articles 1360 and 1362 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code). Article 1360 of the Civil Code allows the Russian Government to grant permission to the use of a patented invention in the interest of defense and national security. Such…