If the patentee has granted an exclusive license after filing an infringement action, an exclusive licensee is (in part) a legal successor of the patentee. Therefore, as long as the patentee’s claims are pending at another German court, the exclusive licensee has no right to sue with regard to the same subject matter due to…

The Board observed that it could not be understood that the “technical relevance” criterion, proposed by another board in T 1906/11 for judging extension of subject matter, defines a new standard for judging amendments with respect to Article 123(2) in the case of intermediate generalizations. Instead, the Board had to decide whether the technical information…

The Board of Appeal accepted that filing of a criminal complaint for patent infringement could meet the EPC condition of Art. 105 EPC, for intervention that ‘proceedings for infringement´ have been instituted. In the present case, the licensee of the patent raised a criminal complaint (‘Privatanklage’ under Austrian law), requesting a court to institute criminal…

The Federal Court of Justice held that under the specific circumstances of the case it was likely that a service manual regarding flow meter technology had been available to third parties. The Court considered as decisive the agreement between the party supplying the manual and the recipient. According to the Court it is relevant whether…

According to the law on employee inventions, the inventor is entitled to information about all income generated by the employer from third parties in exploiting the invention. This information is the basis for claims of the employees against the employer for compensation. The Court confirmed the decisions of the lower courts and held that the…

Regarding the question whether costs for double representation of a party by a patent attorney and an attorney-at-law are reimbursable the Court held that these costs are to be reimbursed at least in a situation where parallel infringement proceedings concerning the same patent are pending before a civil court and in which the same party…

In an earlier decision (BGH M2Trade), the Court held that the termination of the main license agreement does not automatically lead to a termination of the sublicense. It remains in force when the main license is terminated for reasons such as a mutual agreement of the main licensor and the main licensee who is also…

Although the right of the main licensee to use the invention automatically fell back to the licensor upon the licensee’s insolvency, the Court held that the sublicensee enjoys protection of succession and that the sublicense continued to exist despite the termination of the main license. Click here for the full text of this case. A summary…

and Bernd Kröger. A combination of two pharmaceutical ingredients, i.e. leflunomide and teriflunomide is to be considered obvious if the person skilled in the art uses an obvious process to obtain leflunomide that automatically results in – even with a certain delay – both components due to a chemical reaction. Click here for the full text…

The Court held that a lack of impartiality of a court-appointed expert can be assumed if the expert maintains a close economic relationship with one of the parties. This is not necessarily so where the expert was engaged by a third party that maintains a consulting relationship with one of the parties. A summary of…