Penny Gilbert from Powell Gilbert LLP explains the position of biosimilars in the pharmaceutical industry. Biosimilars are essentially generic versions of biologics. Traditional generic compounds are  chemical reproductions of the patented compound which makes regulatory approval more straightforward. Biological compounds (proteins or antibodies which are produced from genes) are not identical with one another and…

Adam Mossoff (Professor of Law, George Mason University) states that much of the focus in the USA is around litigation, but patents are not simply tools for litigation, they are commercial assets. Litigation is more public than confidential private transactions and therefore has disproportionate focus. He remarked that the ‘sewing machine wars’ of the 1850s…

Dimitrios T Drivas (White & Case) gave the speedy run down on the following points and cases, which some might find useful for following up on points of interest: Supreme Court The decision that in exceptional cases reasonable attorney’s fees may be paid to the prevailing party (an exception to the rule that each party…

Probir J Mehta (Acting Assistant US Trade Representative for IP and Innovation) refers to IP being a critical part of the trade agenda and America’s future. The trans-pacific partnership is a landmark trade deal representing a next-generation agreement. For example, seeking criminal sanctions against breaches of trade secrets. The transatlantic trade and investment partnership between…

Nine claims of a SynQor patent for a high efficiency power converter were anticipated by the combination of two prior art references that taught DC-to-DC power converters for pulsed loads, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has ruled (Vicor Corp. v. SynQor, Inc., March 13, 2015, Clevenger, R.). Because the combined references…

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board did not err in affirming a patent examiner’s obviousness rejection of an application that disclosed a system for using two-way communication satellites to regulate the activation of a vehicle’s ignition, based on a driver’s mental state as determined by response times, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal…

Please click here to find US patent cases from the the U.S. Supreme Court, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals with a detailed summary of each case. Recently added from our US IP Law Daily service: Soverain Software LLC v. Victoria’s Secret Direct Brand Management, LLC, United States Court…