and Bernd Kröger. A combination of two pharmaceutical ingredients, i.e. leflunomide and teriflunomide is to be considered obvious if the person skilled in the art uses an obvious process to obtain leflunomide that automatically results in – even with a certain delay – both components due to a chemical reaction. Click here for the full text…

The Court held that a lack of impartiality of a court-appointed expert can be assumed if the expert maintains a close economic relationship with one of the parties. This is not necessarily so where the expert was engaged by a third party that maintains a consulting relationship with one of the parties. A summary of…

This decision deals with a court order to obtain an expert opinion in a nullity appeal proceeding subject to the new procedural rules that apply to nullity actions filed since October 1, 2009. Due to revised rules in nullity appeal proceedings, as a general rule, the appeal court shall decide on legal questions only, and…

The Appeals Court held that an argument that was not raised in first instance proceedings, shall not be considered a new matter, and consequently be dismissed, if it only further specifies or clarifies the line of argumentation in first instance. On the other hand, f the plaintiff refers to the specifics of a technical teaching…

Under the doctrine of equivalents, a patent does not convey protection for all options disclosed in the broader patent description if these options are not specifically included in the patent claims. Click here for the full text of this case. A summary of this case will be posted on

An amendment of independent patent claim 1 during prosecution introduced a new feature. According to the Examining Division this led to the combinations of features of dependent claims 2-4 to extend beyond the disclosure of the application as filed (Art. 123(2) EPC). The Board of Appeal held that the focus of the Examining Division was…

Jurisdiction at the place where the harmful event occurred or may occur pursuant to Article 5 (3) of Regulation EC/44/2001 can be established in a negative declaratory action even though this action seeks to declare the absence of liability in tort, as long as the relevant linking conditions are fulfilled. Click here for the full text…

The Stockholm District Court held the Swedish part of a European patent concerning a method of growing two or more plants invalid, due to lack of inventive step. Despite requests for limitations by the proprietor the patent was declared invalid in its entirety. Infringement, exceptions to patentability and prior use rights were also considered by…

In a combined patent infringement and nullity case, the Svea Court of Appeal upheld the validity of Roche Diagnostics’ European patent as far as Sweden was concerned, but held, other than the District Court, that the alleged infringer did not infringe the patent at issue. The Court of Appeal further held that a patent can…