25 May 2022, the Paris Court of Appeal overturned the refusal of the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) to grant an SPC on avelumab. This is a reversal of the “nivolumab” case law on the interpretation of Article 3(a) of Regulation (EC) No 469/2009 (hereafter the SPC Regulation).   In this case, Dana-Farber…

In a decision of 3 June 2022, opposing NOVARTIS and BIOGARAN, the Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris accepted the admissibility of a request for provisional measures based on a European patent application. This solution, however surprising it may seem at first sight, could nevertheless be justified. The decision under review is an order rendered in a…

This almost unnoticed metamorphosis, which has been hardly or not at all commented on, is nevertheless an important reform of French law. Order 2021-1658 of 15 December 2021 extends the system of devolution of rights in respect of software (Article L. 113-9-1 of the Intellectual Property Code) and employee inventions (L. 611-7-1 of the Intellectual…

In a decision rendered on April 1, 2022, the Paris Court of Appeal ruled on the determination of the starting point of the statute of limitations for claiming additional remuneration related to mission inventions. The case before the Paris Court of Appeals raised the issue of the statute of limitations with respect to 11 unexploited…

On June 17, 2022, WTO members adopted a waiver to the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) allowing suspension of patent related to the Covid-19 pandemic, which is the result of a year and a half of intense debate. Already there is a lot of alarm in the industry about this…

The transposition of the 2016 directive on trade secrets into French law by the law of 31 July 2018 and its implementing decree could have led to the expectation of difficulties with the so-called “saisies-contrefaçons”. The main one to remember is undoubtedly the application of the new article R. 153-1 of French Commercial Code to…