The occasion of the autumn equinox seemed to be as good a time as any to release the results of the Kluwer Patent Blog summer quiz. Sincere thanks to the 92 people who completed all 20 questions. The results were interesting and genuinely surprising. The highlights were as follows:
• No-one got all 20 questions correct. In fact, this may be because some of the answers were arguable, although three leading UPC commentators (not counting the author who does not include himself in this bracket) were consulted about the questions as they were set.
• Three named respondents answered 14 questions correctly. From these three, the name picked out of the hat was Peter van Gemert who will receive a copy of “Transitions in European Patent Law” by Ballardini et al (published in June 2015). Nice work Peter.
• The three possible answers to Question 19 concerning EP applications which will not be eligible for effect, received more or less an equal number of votes. The author believes that the correct answer is March 2007, but is happy to hear representatives to the contrary.
Overall, the results of the quiz seem to reveal that there is much interest in the UPC within the patents community, but that there is still considerable work to be done before everyone is fully prepared. In this regard, perhaps the quiz results reflect the UPC system itself.
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