Summer is here and the anticipated (but not yet actually arrived in the author’s personal experience) slow-down in activity may provide many Kluwer Patent Blog readers with the chance to draw breath and catch up on the latest UPC developments. But how well do you know the UPC? Could you list the location of all the intended Local and Regional Divisions in reverse alphabetical order whilst building a sandcastle with a pair of enthusiastic toddlers? Could you summarise the Rules on Provisional Measures whilst erecting a beach tent in a 50km/h wind? If not, try the Kluwer Patent Blog Summer Quiz.
Here are the rules: give yourself 10 minutes and without peeking at the Agreement or the Rules, answer the following multiple choice questions. All correct entries will go into a draw for the prize: a copy of “Transitions in European Patent Law” by Ballardini et al (published in June 2015).
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