As readers will be well aware, one of the preferred hobbies of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) is to issue controversial judgments in intellectual property matters which, quite often, instead of providing guidance to national courts, raise more questions than they answer. After the Christmas break, the CJEU seems to have…

The EPO has recently announced it will ‘accelerate its processing of parallel opposition proceedings if it is informed by the Unified Patent Court or a national court or competent authority of a contracting state that an infringement or revocation action relating to a European patent or a Unitary Patent has been instituted before it.’ It…

When the Unified Patent Court (“UPC”) endeavour was in the process of being designed back in the day, its architects presented the project as an example of a one-in-a-kind cosmopolitan litigation forum, the seat of patent judges and litigators from all cultures, skills, backgrounds, languages and walks of life. A cosmopolitan court that would set…

The Unified Patent Court has announced that a new functionality is available on the CMS to download multiple documents at once from a given case. ‘Provided the need to access multiple documents from a case at once, the CMS now allows via a “Document Download” function, to download a bundle of documents. In order to…

The Unified Patent Court has introduced a ‘My Legal Team’ functionality in the case management system. The functionality ‘allows for representatives and other users such as legal assistants, to gain access and work on cases before the Court.’ According to an announcement, the functionality ‘will be available for ongoing cases, for which the representatives already working…