Mr Yanko Tsv. A. filed an application with the Bulgarian Patent Office (BPO) for the grant of a patent for an ‘Active solar heating system’. The BPO dismissed the application as the Expert Department of ‘Mechanical Engineering, Construction, Electronics and Electronical Engineering’ determined that the invention applied for was not industrially applicable and therefore not…

In this judgment the Court of Appeal considers the appellant’s claim for invalidation of the patent inadmissible as he did not call the co-proprietor of the patent to join the proceedings. While considered valid on substantive grounds, the claim in question needs to be rephrased to fulfill the industrial applicability. As nullity of the patent…

In this case the Court confirmed beyond any doubt that the Polish Patent Office is not an administrative body that shall automatically approve patents granted by the European Patent Office. However, the Patent Office may not base its decision solely on its own convictions and the views expressed in the judgment of a British Court…